Monday, February 1, 2010

Pop Culture Post: "Castle"

As a junior working my way through college, I do not have much time to watch television. In order to do so, I usually allot time throughout the week, during which I watch a sporting event, a movie, or something that catches my eye through an advertisement. However, one television series has me hooked. The Castle series has changed my outlook on my schedule. Never before have I studied in advance or planned my daily schedule around one specific hour of one specific day of each consecutive week before.

Since I am not pampered by the graces of DVR while I'm at school, my top priority on Mondays at 10 p.m. are to make sure that I have a snack and that the television is set to ABC so I can enjoy the newest adventure of Rick Castle, a character named after a real-life murder mystery novelist, as he works with sergeant Kate Beckett to solve murders while gaining inspiration for his new novels. This show is action-packed, and as an English major, I love the color commentary Castle adds to each case. The wit and hilarity that ensue between he and Beckett create what I find to be a unique treasure, a comedy-murder mystery hybrid.


  1. I totally relate to not having much time for TV, which is bad for me because there are so many cool looking shows that I would love to watch! Every time I turn on the TV it seems like there's another ad for a different series.. My poor DVR is running at almost full capacity because I'm constantly recording different shows that I never get to watch.. lol. I hadn't heard of Castle before your post, but I'll probably try to record it now to check it out...just another show on my growing list of things to watch. :)

  2. Hey Dave!
    I know the feeling of not having enough time to relax and watch television. I have way too much homework for that! I know you are an incredibly busy guy, so I am glad you are taking some time out for yourself to sit back, eat a snack, and enjoy a show.

    I have never heard of The Castle, but now you have me interested to watch. Maybe after Monday night dinner I could watch it with you! I wonder what makes the program so intriguing.

    See you in class!

  3. Dave

    I also agree with not EVER having time to watch TV. With school and cheerleading I almost find it impossible to religiously follow a TV series. As you know, last semester was very stressful for me. I was unable to find time for myself, let alone get all my reading done for class and enjoy what I was learning. After talking to someone I realized that I was not doing anything for myself. As future teachers we need to be happy and taking some time for you is a great way to stay positive for our students. I now make sure that every Sunday night I have all my work done and I sit back and watch three different series on ABC.

    I'm also glad that you've set a time for yourself to enjoy Castle. I have heard of the series but have yet to sit down and watch it. I love crime shows, well I’m actually obsessed! CSI, Snapped, Law and Order , I watch them all.

    See you in class!
